These  three  qualities  are  the perennial  criteria  for  beauty.

These    criteria   for    beauty   discipline  excellence  in  architecture.

Beauty  is  the  method   of  architectural excellence  for  our  work.

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​​​​​©  S T E L L A   M A R I S   A R C H I T E C T U R E   L L C  │  2 0 2 5 




The builder, an owner of a plumbing company in the Houston area, determined to start up a residential construction company.  He approached the architect with the purpose of designing a modest, but striking initial model home for this company.  The site has a slight slope to an adjacent ravine and local flood prevention ordinances require elevation of the house. In response, the concept proposes divisions of program spaces according to elevation heights.  The entrance into a fountained hall progresses down a short flight of steps to a lower kitchen patio. Simultaneous one floor above, the main living floor is flanked and divided from the more private sleeping quarters by a shift in floor elevation of 2 and half feet.

Complementing this spatial concept is a careful selection of materials, facilitated by the client's employment of a talented interior designer.  A vigorous collaboration unsued, which produced a palatte of natural materials in the vocabulary of clay and ventilation bricks and cedar wood exterior as well as charactered composites of simulated marble in the interior.